About Us
ATG is a community of theatre lovers and practitioners
The Albuquerque Theatre Guild is an umbrella organization of live theatre companies, theatre practictioners, and theatre lovers dedicated to making the greater Albuquerque area's rich live theatre scene better known to both residents and visitors alike.
Our Story
The Albuquerque Theatre Guild has a rich history of supporting and promoting live theatre in the greater Albuquerque area.
We promote shows. We connect practitioners. We facilitate introducing the incredible world of live theatre to the next generartion through Play Dates and Scholarships.
Meet The ATG Board of Directors
Vicki Marie Singer, President (Musical Theatre Southwest)
John A Craig, Vice President (New Mexico Young Actors)
Allen Wolfenbarger, Treasurer (Individual Member)
Valerie Peacock, Secretary (Individual Member)
Toccoa Clark, (Individual Member)
Brian Clifton, (Albuquerque Little Theatre)
Levi Gore, (New Mexico Shakespeare Festival)
Jenni Hipolito, (Individual Member)
Claudia Mathes, (Individual Member)
Pete Parkin (Adobe Theatre)
Warren Asa Wilgus (Opera Unlimited)
Our Partners
This project is supported in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.